Magowan About
Our parents, teachers, and staff are committed to helping students experience success, both at home and at school. Our school is focused on helping our students master the Common Core Standards. While all of the Standards are important, we place a special emphasis on reading and math skills at Magowan because we know that mastery of these skills can help students experience success in all areas of the elementary school curriculum.
Magowan’s use of the Everyday Math program has resulted in higher level thinking and problem solving. Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop is implemented in our elementary classrooms. Students, staff and parents enjoy and value this method of instruction. School and state assessments reflect success with the academic programs at Magowan School.
Our school motto is, "Together We Can," because Together we do great things! After surveying parents, staff and students we developed specific behavioral expectations for all areas of our school. Our staff developed interactive lessons to teach the children the expectations in each area. We implemented a Recognition System to recognize students for honoring the school's expectations. We are thrilled to see positive overpower negative in Edgewater Park!
The Edgewater Park community and school staff believes that in addition to preparing our students for standardized tests, it is our responsibility to help prepare our students for the challenges that they will face in life. With a comprehensive review of student discipline data on a monthly basis, our Character Education Program was developed to meet the needs of our students. A Character Education Resource Teacher is assigned to each grade level. Parent letters reviewing the content of lessons are sent home after each formal lesson. Character Education goals are published in the School Handbook. School wide assembly programs recognize students for their efforts and their achievements.
Many of the extra-curricular activities offered at Magowan School are structured to address academics and the Common Core Standards. Some of the opportunities include; Reader’s Club, Writer’s Club, Math Club, Young Astronauts and Academic Support Club. All students have the opportunity to participate in the chorus and many older students extend their musical involvement with instrumentals. Our Student Council sponsors a variety of community service projects for our students, and they assist their peers with learning how to resolve their conflicts peacefully.
Our learning community is proud of the cultural diversity that exists in our school. Students, staff, and parents at Magowan are given many opportunities to share their cultural traditions with each other, and to appreciate the cultural traditions of others.
Our staff realizes that our instructional program will require constant modification in order to prepare our children for the choices and challenges of the twenty-first century. We willingly accept this responsibility, and we invite your input.