EPTSD Strategic Plan


EPTSD 2023-2026 Strategic Plan 

Click HERE to view the Strategic Plan Overview.  Click HERE to view the entire Strategic Plan and action steps.


The current Strategic Plan was developed during the 2022-2023 school year.  This shared vision of the future emerged as a result of intensive collaboration among mixed stakeholders.  The process has allowed stakeholders to explore the many ways in which we will continue to grow and develop over the next three years.  The process has also established a tone for collaborative decision making and community engagement.  It is intended that this sense of teamwork will prevail as the district moves forward in implementing the Strategic Plan.  

The Process

In the fall of 2022, the District began the Strategic Planning process with the intention of engaging staff, students, parents, and community in meaningful dialogue about the District's future.  The first meeting was held on October 20, 2022 with an emphasis on Community Visioning.  Bright Spots were identified and common themes emerged, to be included later in the goal-setting phase.  The second meeting was held on November 3, 2022 and focused on Staff Visioning.  At this meeting, relevant themes were refined and the next steps of further engaging the students, staff, and community were clarified.  A Leadership Committee was formed and invited to the third meeting, which was held on January 3, 2023, and resulted in the drafting of specific goal statements.  The Leadership Committee met on February 28, 2023 to identify specific objectives and activities for each goal statement.   A draft of the new Strategic Plan was presented to the Board of Education for review on May 23, 2023.  It was then shared with the staff and community for feedback.   The finalized Strategic Plan was approved at the June 20, 2023, 2023 Board of Education meeting.

Acknowledgements - Thank you to all who gave their time, energy, and attention to the Strategic Planning process.  Your input was invaluable as we continue our collaborative approach to envisioning our future and working to achieve our goals. 

Facilitator - Julia Skolnik, MSEd - Chief Learning Officer & Founder, Professional Learning Partnerships


Anne Baker - ESL Teacher

Natalia Barragan Salazar - Student

Kim Boyle - Parent

Miah Bozarth - Student

Kathleen Castillo - Student

Rita Chagnon - Teacher

Karen Daly - Board of Education

Shavone David - Classroom Assistant

Pam DeSanto - Supervisor of Technology

Rosary Diaz - ESL Teacher

Julie Ehrgood - Teacher

Steven Evert - Board of Education

June Farley - Teacher

Justin Foster - Teacher

Pat Foti - School Nurse

Brianna Gardner - School Counselor

Florencia Girman - ESL Teacher

Jennifer Haas - Special Education Teacher

Amadi Hilliman - Student

Dr. Nicole Inverso Vogt - Director of Curriculum & Special Education

Sophia Iovannicci - Student

Karly Kay - ESL Teacher

Nancy Lane - Business Administrator/Board Secretary

Michelle Latesta - Assistant Principal

John Lestino - School Psychologist

Kristina Li - Student

Dina Maciejunes - Reading Interventionist

Jenn Major - Reading Interventionist

Micki Nussbaum - Social Worker

Maureen O'Malley - Teacher

Dr. Roy Rakszawski - Superintendent

Ray Rebilas - Board of Education

Michelle Ramm - Reading Interventionist

Alyssa Rodriguez - Student

Joanne Rogers - Teacher

Michelle Smith - Teacher

Kelly Stellwag - Music Teacher

Jasmine Still - School Nurse

Jenean Swain - Supervisor of Instruction

Michele Thompson - Speech Pathologist

Ron Trampe - Principal

Jennifer Vito - Special Education Teacher

Strategic Plan With Updates (cojming soon)

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